Hire Better & Quicker using Machine Learning


Recruitment as a function is evolving. The right use of technology has become a necessity to make our hiring more accurate and efficient. Many companies have already started using Data Analytics as their next big move to improve their hiring. Getting the right resource at the right time is the key for any organization.

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Should companies also post anonymous reviews of candidates just like candidates do on Glassdoor?

HeaderI am sure the moment you might have read the title of the blog post, you would have said@#$$#@#$$#@##$@$$#@$!!! Ooops Typo Error 🙂 It’s not your fault. The moment we hear about “Reviews” all we can think about is negative reviews. But reviews could be either positive or negative.

Last week, I was fortunate to be part of a panel discussion that was conducted by Rezoomex around this topic. At first, I too was taken aback by the topic, but then I did settle down and started to do research on this topic. The 1st thing that I did was to ask this question to my hiring community and candidates in my network. The reason was to know their views as it helps you to understand the pulse of the audience.

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Hey recruiters, now you too can do technical evaluation!

This is in continuation to my earlier article Artificial Intelligence, hiring & you.


After putting so much effort in calculating the Suitability Score, we later realized that it is just a part of the entire gamut of improved and cost-effective hiring. Also, we observed that candidates are very smart when it comes to writing their resumes. Sometimes, they even use paid services to create an impressive resume. Just calculating their suitability score based on the information provided in the resume wouldn’t be a complete solution.

Continue reading “Hey recruiters, now you too can do technical evaluation!”

Artificial Intelligence, Hiring & You

techhiringblog_jan20172Recently, I read an article. The author of this article, Recruitment industry will DIE in 2018, threw some light on how Machine Learning is picking up and thus, how many organizations are opting to use it to make their hiring seamless. We, recruiters, need to evolve and prepare ourselves for this change if we want to remain relevant. Some very good examples were cited by the author and; as expected; there were mixed reactions from the readers. Few agreed and others had a different perspective on this.

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Business Acumen For Recruiters: Why Should You Care?


After spending more than a decade in the industry, I truly believe that a Recruiter must speak the language of business. We should not just talk but have conversations with the prospective candidates. Having good business acumen will certainly make a difference in the long run. Get comfortable conversing! The more comfortable you are; the more confident you sound. Continue reading “Business Acumen For Recruiters: Why Should You Care?”

Measuring and Improving Software Recruiters’ Performance

tech_hiring_blog_oct2106Every thought leader after Deming has extolled the virtue of measuring whatever we need to improve. I recently read this article  – it suggests seven metrics to measure a recruiter’s performance. Many more articles and suggestions for building performance scorecards are published. We need some simple metrics that could be quickly ascertained without investing in specialized software etc. Continue reading “Measuring and Improving Software Recruiters’ Performance”